Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Open Aleph Cataloging Module.
  2. Search by barcode on the back cover.
    • If no barcode is found, give item to the Database Management Librarian.
    1. If this is the only copy/vol.:
      1. Change Item Status from "03" to "01".
      2. Wand in new barcode.
      3. Click "HOL Links".
      4. Edit HOL and change 852 c from "REF" to "STACK".
      5. Save to server.
      6. Insert a "Relabel" flag in book.
      7. With a pencil, cross out the spine label.
    2. If this is a multi-vol. set and all vols. are being transferred:
      1. Change Item Status from "03" to "01".
      2. Wand in new barcode.
      3. Repeat steps 1-2 for each vol.
      4. Click "HOL Links".
      5. Edit HOL and change 852 c from "REF" to "STACK".
      6. Save to server.
      7. Insert a "Relabel" flag in each vol.
      8. With a pencil, cross out the spine label
    3. If BC holds multiple copies/vols. and this is the only item being transferred:
      NOTE: If item list shows earlier edition/year item(s) in reference, check the truck to see if the earlier edition/year is on the truck to be processed, if not, consult with Drew Alfgren ( 5-3608) if the earlier edition/year should also be transferred.
      1. Change Item Status from "03" to "01".
      2. Wand in new barcode.
      3. Click "HOL Links".
    • If NO "BC-BC STACK" already exists:
    • #*# Check REF HOL for the presence of 866 (summary holding). If yes, give the item with a printout of the bib. record to Database Management Librarian. If no, go to 2.
      1. Unlink Item from REF HOL.
      2. Create new HOL for STACK.
      3. Edit new HOL and change 852 c from "REF" to "STACK".
      4. Check and make sure the call number matches what's on the book. Edit subfields "h" and "i" if needed.
      5. Add OWN tag.
      6. Save to server.
    • If "BC-BC STACK" already exists:
      1. Check STACK HOL for the presence of 866 (summary holding). If yes, give the item with a printout of the bib. record to Database Management Librarian. If no, go to 2.
      2. Unlink Item from REF HOL
      3. Highlight "BC-BC STACK".
      4. Link to item.
      5. Make sure the call number matches what's on the book.
    • Insert a "Relabel" flag in book.
    • With a pencil, cross out the spine label
    1. If BC holds multiple copies/vols. and more than one items are being transferred:
      1. Transfer the 1st item following the steps in C. 1.-4.
      2. Highlight the next item to be transferred in the Item List.
      3. Change Item Status from "03" to "01".
      4. Wand in new barcode.
      5. Click "HOL Links".
      6. Unlink Item from REF HOL.
      7. Highlight "BC-BC STACK".
      8. Link to Item.
      9. Insert a "Relabel" flag in book.
      10. Repeat steps 2-10 for each item to be transferred.
  • Sometimes volumes in sets are separated on the truck. If after all transfers are processed, no item is left in REF collection but "BC-BC REF" remains, delete "BC-BC REF."
  • If item list shows earlier edition/year item(s) in reference, check the truck to see if the earlier edition/year is on the truck to be processed, if not, consult with Drew Alfgren ( 5-3608) if the earlier edition/year should also be transferred.
    To delete the REF HOL:
    • Click "HOL Links".
    • Highlight "BC-BC REF".
    • Click "Edit" to open HOL record.
    • Delete HOL by press <Ctrl> R.
    • Click "Yes" when prompt "Delete record from server?"
