._ Refer to the chart if needed.
# Under the disposition column, enter the date and times noted on the stack. It may be helpful to go a few minutes under or over the time noted, to make sure that all entries are reported back. *Make sure that you check for A.M or P.M, else you won't get the right results.*
# Close the query and click yes to save it.
# Go to reports.
# Open up the CheckingOrderStatusImproved report.
# Once loaded, check the titles on the report against the orders to make sure that all orders are in the report. *Note: Make sure to double check call numbers or vendor notes if noted on the PO or report.* If you cannot find an order in the report, let Jen know..
# Once done with all orders, you may close the report.
# Repeat for all other stacks.
# Close out Web Order System when you are done.
# Put the stacks on Michelle's desk when done.
|| ID \\ || Text \\ ||
| 50 | No Status\\ |
| 51 | Approved, Now on Order\\ |
| 52 | Approved, Ordered, and Now in Library\\ |
| 53 | Approved, Order Delayed\\ |
| 54 | Rejected--Already In Library\\ |
| 55 | Rejected--Already on Order\\ |
| 56 | Rejected--Misc. |
| 57 \\ | Out of Money--Approved but Delayed\\ |
{column} |