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We keep statistics on all of the questions that we answer, on as well as about ILL requests, materials that were used by individuals and classes, classes that visit SC, type types of patrons that visit SC, gallery events, and new acquisitions in the Department.  It is important that we document this information as accurately as possible, so that we have a clear understanding of our usage.

Types of Questions

  • Reference/Research:
  • Directional: 

Keeping track of statistics

At the front desk (Students and Staff):

  • Make sure that each patron who comes in visits signs the sign- in sheet.
  • Make sure that a call slip is completely filled out for each item/group of materials that are used by the patron. 
    • Ex:  A patron looks at 4 books (4 separate call slips are made) and two photographers' portfolios (2 separate slips are made for the boxes).
  • Record each transaction that takes place by putting a hash mark (e.g. Reference or Directional) at the correct date on the monthly chart that is taped to the front desk  on the left-hand side.
    • This applies to phone inquiries as well.
  • If a class comes into SCvisits, fill out the Class Use form that  is taped to the right of the computer at the front desk.  Be sure to fill out the date, class name (e.g. ART 326), group type (e.g. undergraduate, graduate, etc.), number of students, and the amount of materials from each collection that were used (e.g. 15 Bafford, 4 Archives).
  • When ILL requests are fulfilled, please ensure that a call slip is made for each item.
    • Also make a hash mark on the monthly chart under "ILL."
