Required for this procedure:
For other problems with the files Proquest FTP's to us, ask Michelle to call Proquest technical support at 877-408-5027 or 800-889-3358 (or email at or ) to find a solution.
Adding Supplements to the metadata in Excel and Moving them to the PDF Directory
- Rename supplement files to a simple name that makes sense. Add their file names to the spreadsheet files with || separating file names. Then move them to the main PDF directory (even if they're not PDF).
- In the filename column, enter the names of any extra files to be loaded in the appropriate line. Separate it from the existing file with ||. In the dc.description column for these, add a note indicating that there's a supplement and it's format, eg "Include 1 .jpeg3 supplement". Move the supplement from the supplement folder to the pdf folder after it's added to the metadata.
Publication Forms to the metadata in Excel:
Licenses were last downloaded on: 7/22/21
- Open: Author's last name, first initial, First word of the title (omitting articles)_Open.pdf (e,g, JonesRFindingOpen,pdf),
- Closed: Author's last name first initial, first word of the title (omitting articles)_Lim.pdf (JonesR_Finding_Lim.pdf).
For each publication form:
- Find it's line on the spreadsheet (they are in alphabetical order, but if you don't see it, search for both the author and part of the title). If you can't find it on the spreadsheet, move it to the "not in this set" folder.
- Check the title and remember the first couple of Words
- Open the publication form and ensure it's the correct title. Remember if there's an embargo.
- Do Save as...
- Replace everything between the author's name and .pdf with Open. eg.:
Dutrow-Daryl_Open.pdf |
- Copy the file name and paste into the license column in the spreadsheet, ensuring that you're on the correct row.
- Copy and paste everything in the Filename column into the Open Access or Limited access columns as appropriate.
- If there's an embargo still in effect, the title, author, and the date the embargo expires to the embargo list.
- Close the license and delete the file without the Open in it.
Completing the Licenses
Saving the Excel file as a .csv file:
Make sure all rights fields have the header dcterms.accessRights .
Save your sheet2 (you must be on it) as a .csv file. While on the "save as" screen, change the character encoding to UTF8 by using the tools drop-down, selecting web options, then encoding, and UTF8.
- In the CSV file, make sure that dates are in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Find and replace to fix if necessary.
- Be sure to close Excel or the next steps won't work.