Guideline 142 - Computing Services
The Library IT Services (LITS) staff is the first line of assistance for patron and staff computing resources. During the week (i.e., M-F, 9-5:30) all requests for assistance should first be directed to LITS either by phone or through the litshelp list ( Outside of these hours patrons and staff should contact the DoIT Helpdesk at 5-3838, but also advise LITS through litshelp of the problem.
LITS consists of the Head, IT Manager, IT Specialist (currently vacant), and student assistants. The limited numbers do not permit close personal support of every computer user in the Library. It is also necessary to maintain a secure and virus-free computing environment. To this effect:
All staff and public computers require administrative rights to upgrade or install new software. This is done primarily by LITS.
All software installed on Library computers must be licensed and registered software, shareware, or freeware. Making unauthorized copies of, or using, unlicensed copyrighted software is illegal. Any unlicensed software on Library computers must be immediately removed. If staff are unsure about any particular piece of software, they should check with LITS.
Staff should observe basic computing etiquette. Do not use someone else's computer without their permission, and do not make any changes on it. Do not allow students to use staff computers for non-work related tasks; and, while we encourage exploration, we ask that staff refer students to LITS before allowing them to make changes to staff computers.
Any software that staff wish to install on their computers should first be approved by their department head. Staff should not ask LITS staff to install software without such prior approval.
Staff should endeavor to keep the work areas near computers clean. Staff who eat at their desks should be encouraged to do so in a space away from the computer keyboard and mouse.
Requests for additional computing resources (e.g., a printer) should be made by the department head and addressed to the Head of LITS.
guideline promulgated 6/19/95
revised for manual 9/1/95, edited 8/13/04, 10/02/10
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