edX Edge Course Development Process

edX Edge Course Development Process

General Information on edX Edge Course Development

In order for the Instructional Technology staff to assist in the initial inquiry, you will need the following information:

  1. Q: Who is interested in using edX at UMBC?
    1. A: (Professor Array Gangopadhyay) 
  2. Q: What is the program or problem they want to solve by using it? 
    1. A: (Array has an NSF grant and partnership with other USM institutions; he has grad students on the team who will build courses in edX)
  3. Q: What features and functionality are you looking to implement or explore? 
    1. A: (e.g., quizzing, conditional/adaptive release, grading, videos, analytics, etc.)

Phase 00: Initial Inquiry

  1. Initiation of request through an RT and consult with an Instructional Technology staff member

    1. Faculty, staff, or other campus stakeholders reach out to Instructional Technology staff to determine scope and if the edX LMS platform will meet their needs.

      1. Complete an edX Edge Questionnaire to determine needs.

(If edX Edge is determined to not meet the needs of inquirer, no further steps are needed)

Phase 01: Preparation (2 Weeks)

  1. Identify edX Project Course Team and Course Lead

    1. Assign responsibilities for (one person may be assigned more than one role):

      1. edX Content Developer

      2. edX Course Facilitator/Manager(if applicable)

      3. USMx Helpdesk as POC for Technical help/POC in Instructional Technology for triage

      4. Assign edX Training to edX Course Team (to be completed before course development)

  2. Curate Content

    1. Course Team will collect text, video, image resources to create edX course and develop assessment strategies (may require consult with Instructional Technology staff).

  3. Create edX Development Shell

    1. Instructional Technology staff will create USMx helpdesk ticket to initiate creation of a development course shell.

Phase 02: Development of edX Course (minimum of 6 weeks)

  1. Built edX Course in Development Shell

    1. Content and Assessments built in edX by Course Team (Instructional Technology consult on best practices required). The Course Team will determine if the course is self-paced or instructor-facilitated.

  2. USMx QA Review

    1. Course Team will notify Instructional Technology staff and course is submitted to USMx for a Quality Assurance review (course organization, accessibility, etc). Ongoing revisions from QA Review as needed.

  3. Live Course Shell Created

    1. USMx ticket created for creation of live course with start/end dates; Course Team enrolled with appropriate roles (Staff, etc).

Phase 03: Launch of edX Course (may vary)

  1. Enroll Learners

    1. Learners may self-enroll using the provided link or be manually enrolled by Course Team/Facilitator.

  2. Facilitate/Manage Course and Learner Progress

    1. The Course Team will monitor and control any questions and redirect inquiries to USMx Helpdesk.

      If the edX Edge course is facilitated (meaning not self-paced), learner interactions (discussions, etc.) and grading are the responsibility of the course facilitator/instructor.

Phase 04: Post-Course (2 Weeks)

  1. Learner Grades/Completion

    1. Course Team members with Course Data Researcher role can download/export Gradebook for tracking progress/completion.

  2. Post-Course Consult with Instructional Technology Staff

    1. Debrief of live course and reflect on future implementation (design and delivery).

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